Sunday, January 20, 2013

South Toledo Bend State Park

Yesterday we arrived here at South Toledo Bend state park in western Louisiana.  We have never camped in LA before, so now we get to fill in another state on our camping map.

The third full day of driving on these trips is when our nerves start to get frayed and the dog starts showing signs of discomfort. So if at all possible, we like to put our feet up for at least a day of rest after 3 days.  And that day is today, Sunday, here on the shore of the Toledo Bend Reservoir .

It is sunny with a forecast high in the mid-60s, no wind, just a beautiful (spring?) day here.  We are beginning to decompress.  However, since we don't have a fishing boat, there isn't anything to do here except sit.  There does not seem to be any significant town anywhere to go for a ride, stop at a store, etc.  If this isn't the middle of nowhere, it can't be far away.

Here's a photo of the two old ladies in my life doing what they like best:

And a shot looking up the hill at our campsite (the lake is beyond, back down the slope), and then a shot of a "raft" of ducks with a fisherman in the background.  As always, you can click on the photo to enlarge.

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